Durere în gât, Răceală și Gripă - old

Header Durere In Gat Raceala Gripa

Angelini's commitment

A disease is defined as rare when its prevalence, that is the number of cases present at a given time in a given population, does not exceed a certain threshold. In the European Union this threshold is set at 0.05% of the population, namely 1 case per 2,000 inhabitants. Other countries such as the USA adopt different parameters: here a disease is considered rare when it does not exceed the 0.08% threshold.

However, the low prevalence does not mean that overall there are few people with a rare disease.
When talking about these diseases, we can think that it is something that affects only a few unfortunate people. But if we look around most of us know someone directly or indirectly affected by such conditions. In fact, about 300 million people around the world are suffering from over 6,000 rare disease

A important challenge from a scientific perspective and above all with a strong social impact to which Angelini Pharma has decided to commit. In the field of rare diseases, the Company aims to develop innovative health solutions to help patients and their families.

As long as families and people suffering from rare diseases need effective treatments, Angelini Pharma will work hard to contribute in finding the most appropriate solutions.